
gebaSpike: Python Spike Sorting Package (Tint/Axona Data) Draft

If you are recording electrophysiology data, you will at one point likely have to perform some spike sorting. Spike sorting is when the user distingu…

BinMSGUI - Sorting Axona Data with MountainSort Draft

BinMSGUI1 is a Python Graphical User Interface (GUI) that I developed in order to test MountainSort's2,3 (MS) spike sorting algorithm. We use Axona's…

BinConverter Draft

BinConverter is a Python Graphical User Interface (GUI) that converts the raw data (.bin) recorded from Axona's DacqUSB1 to the Tint format. Although…

BatchTINTV3 - Batch Spike Sorting Solution for Tint Draft

A few years ago (starting in May of 2016) I was tasked with optimizing the way electrophysiology (ephys) data is sorted in the lab. If you happen to …

hfoGUI: Tint LFP Data Visualization Draft

hfoGUI is a Python package that was originally designed so that I could visualize High Frequency Oscillations (HFO's) within the in-vivo electrophysi…